La sauna finlandese, realizzata in legno di abete, è un luogo in cui puoi prenderti cura del tuo corpo e della tua mente: la temperatura, tra 90 e 100 °, agisce insieme all'olio essenziale (che acquistiamo da una fattoria locale) in zone particolari del corpo, purificandolo dai rifiuti, lavorando sul sistema circolatorio liberando i polmoni e aiutando la respirazione.
The Turkish bath is less warm, between 45 and 56°C, with a humidity around 100%. It is very good for the skin so as for the respiratory tract. After the sauna, take a shower using the ergonomic water jet that will massage your body, than help yourself at the buffet where you can find tea and the sweet elderberry juice made from Elisabeth with her mother’s recipe.
For those suffering from back pain or the one who has coughed a cold, we recommend the infra-red sauna, that will help you feel better. Finally, relax yourself in our fine and soft bathrobes, laying on the loungers in the relax zone.